Integrity Dance Arts
Studio Policies
Thank you for choosing Integrity School of Dance Arts as your dance studio. It is important that you and your dancer read and understand the guidelines for this studio. Please cheerfully support these rules. They were created to bring security, peace, and consistency for you and us.

2024/25 Dance Season Calendar
Classes Begin: September 9th
Thanksgiving Break: Noverber 28-29th
Christmas Benefit Concert: Dec. 7th
Christmas Break: Dec 16rd. Jan 5
Parent Conferences:
Jan. 17-18th
April 18-19th
Spring Break: April 6-13th
Parent Participation Week: April 14th - 19th
Spring Recital: May 10
General Rules
1. Dancers should be on time to class, follow dress code guidelines and be respectful toward instructors, parents and other students. In the instance that a dancer is repeatedly late, improperly dressed or disrespectful, he/she may be asked to sit out of class. Each student will have 3 strikes throughout the year with dress code infractions before they must sit out of class. This includes, forgetting shoes, improper color leotard/tights, or having hair in face. Students will be sent home with a note each time they are not in dress code that will need to be signed and returned the following week. We ask that our students look professional in class so that they might be better able to concentrate on their training.
2. Payments are due by the FIRST of every month. All payments are automatic payments by card only.
3. Please notify the studio if student wishes to discontinue classes by filling out a drop form located at the studio. You will be responsible for all class payments until the drop form has been submitted. No Drops after January 1st. May tuition is not refundable if you chose to quit before the month of May.
4. For the safety of the dancers (ALL ages), cover-ups are to be worn to and from the studio. Cover-up items include: a loose fitting dress, a t-shirt & pants/shorts. Also, dance shoes of any kind are not allowed to be worn outside. The oil and dirt from the parking lot can ruin our expensive dance floors. Anyone taking hip hop class need to wear tennis shoes that are not worn outside. Please bring in your students shoes and remove them before leaving the building. Leaving your student with a dance bag is a good idea.
5. Dancers must be dropped off and picked up in a timely manner. Tardiness is distracting to the class and students must wait for permission to enter the studio once class has begun. Students will not be able to leave the building once their class is over without a parent. Integrity School of Dance Arts does not assume any liability for the safety and well-being of our patrons. Young students are dismissed at the studio door and are not allowed to go find their parents in the parking lot. Please be in the lobby when your dancer's class ends so he/she may be given directly to you. Siblings of dancers are never to be left unattended. We have toys and books available for siblings to play with. Please be respectful and pick up after your children and watch that they are not destroying the lobby or toys provided.
6. In the parking lot, please drive slowly and watch out for small children.
7. Food and flavored drinks are NOT allowed in the studios. Water only in covered water bottles. If you have other children eating in the lobby area please clean up after them.
8. Please do not try and "catch the teacher for a quick second" between classes. Our focus is to provide dancers with the best instruction and teachers cannot be distracted during teaching hours. To contact a teacher, simply write a note and leave it at the desk. You can also leave a message with the receptionist.
9. We are not responsible for anything lost or stolen. Items left in the studios are placed in the lost and found box. Please make sure your students initials are in permanent marker inside their shoes so we can get them back to you if they are lost.
10. Parents are not allowed inside the classroom, there is a viewing window in the door for your convenience.
11. Classes will be canceled according to the Byron Center Public Schools for weather conditions or power outages. No refunds for canceled classes. A comparable class may be made up if desired. Please check channel 8 or woodtv.com for cancellations. Payment remains the same regardless of how many lessons taken per month.
12. All fees are non refundable. A $20 fee will be assessed for insufficient checks.
13. Students must be the age of the class they are registering for by November 1st.
14. All contemporary classes MUST be dual enrolled in ballet also.

Dress Code
General Dress Code Rules:
No jewelry other than small earrings
Undergarments must be concealed
Last class of the month ONLY all students may wear any color leotard/bottoms while in compliance with the dress code.
Please make sure your student is in compliance with the dress code every week. A note will be sent home to get signed each time a student is not following the dress code